About the Author: 

Gina Rose, an American author currently based in Atlanta, finds inspiration in the arts, literature, and her yoga practice. Beyond creative and spiritual pursuits, she is driven by a profound commitment to making the world a better place."Captivated by life's exquisite beauty juxtaposed with its despair and chaos, poetry and fiction is the vessel through which I capture and convey these ineffable truths." -Gina Rose

About Respect the Thorn Poetry by Gina Rose:

Respect the Thorn Poetry by Gina Rose is a poetic diary. Brimming with thought-provoking essence, the words dance together painting the odyssey and pondering of the author. The anthology is composed of the three parts of a rose: the stem, the thorn, and the petal. The stem journeys back to the past of the author; the thorn dances with darkness and traces the pokes that have shaped the author. Both the stem and the thorn enable the writer to find the petal, which unveils how soft and sweet this experience can be even as it wilts before us.

Praise For Respect The Thorn

“This anthology is beautifully considered and powerfully written. I love the analogy used of the rose: the stem, the thorns, and finally, the beautiful, gentle, forgiving and kind petals. Although there are elements of despair and darkness, the collection finally ends by showing us the joys of life within the pain, confusion and loss. Therefore, I perceive it to be a true allegory of life itself. Full of hope, like a rainbow after a storm. Wonderful work. The flow of the poems has something contained in it that reminds me of rap music, the kind of lilt and run you find in such music, and that makes it doubly interesting.”

— Pegasus Publishing